Quarter 3 Update #2 (1/26/23 School Messenger)

Aloha Lions Ohana, 

We have had a wonderful start to quarter 3 and we hope your January has also been enjoyable.  I have a few announcements to talk about today and some great updates.

  • Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Friday, January 27th due to PC day.  School resumes Monday.
  • On Tuesday, January 31st from 1:00-2:00 pm in the cafeteria we are having a presentation from the HPD RAP program on the dangers of vaping for our 5th-grade class.  This meeting will be open to the public for parents who are concerned and want to learn more.  We would especially like to invite our parents of students who have been caught vaping at home or at school.  Please consider attending. 
  • Today we concluded the installation of our new outdoor speaker system by our outdoor stage.  We want to thank Mr. Randy Molina for installing this system so we can do our weekly oli and our semi-annual hoike.  
  • We also have to thank the Audio-Visual Company for the installation of our new cafeteria speaker system.  For anyone who was at our last few events you know how bad the speakers were and we are thrilled to have a brand new system to rely on for the next generation of students.
  • Our major spring Regal Bakery fundraiser ticket sales will begin on February 6th.  Please look for tickets to be sent home with your children and help us raise money to continue our school improvements such as our outdoor speaker system improvements that were paid for via PTA funds.
  • We do have some donated laptops available for families if you are in need of one at home.  They are older model Chromebooks but still work.  If you would like one please ask in the office.  
  • We are asking for your help with reminding your children that they need to be wearing their nametags during lunch.  We do here, but it is still an issue that does cause some students at the end of the line to have a short eating time because the line doesn't move as fast as it should. 
  • I am asking for help reminding students who walk home on the bridge to do so without "hanging out" at the bridge.  We have had a few incidents there and we would like to stop them from continuing.  As part of that, I am also looking to hire morning and afternoon supervisors to monitor that area for us as we currently don't have enough staff to do so.  If you are interested in getting a little bit of cash in your pocket for just keeping an eye over there for us every day, please apply in the office.  It doesn't pay much, but for those parents of ours who already hang out in that area, you may as well get paid and help our school at the same time!
  • We are also still looking for help with our students with special needs.  If you, or anyone you know, wants to help our keiki, such as preschool kids, we want to talk to you.  Please come see Mrs. Heyler, Mrs. Soo, or me in the office for further information.  No experience is required. However, having raised children is a plus!

With all the improvements and things happening at our school, we are finally getting close to our final big push for making our campus so much better than it had been.  We have a few more projects with materials, but we are also improving our academic and behavioral performance.  As we grow and choose love we are happy to see our students improve, together, as a team, because, We are the Lions. We are the Future!


Mr. Larkin



Daniel Larkin, US Navy (Retired)


Kalihi Waena Elementary

Home of the MIGHTY LIONS!

W: 808-832-3210

C: 808-366-0140

Primary email: [email protected]

Secondary email: [email protected]

School address: 1240 Gulick Ave. Honolulu, HI 96819