Quarter 1 Update #2

Aloha Lions Ohana,

We hope your weekend has gone well.  I want to start this week with a few announcements and reminders so everyone is ready for the week. 

  1. School shirts are finally in and can be purchased in the office.
  2. This Friday is Farrington High School's Homecoming.  Our cheerleaders will be there to cheer on the team and we hope all of you can join us there too.
  3. This Wednesday at 8:00 AM in the school cafeteria and online at meet.google.com/ovg-orky-ysw is our first Principal's Coffee Hour.  Please join us to talk about major upcoming construction projects, home literacy, and a general discussion of your concerns with me, Mr. Larkin.  All parents/guardians who attend in person will get a gently used book for their Keiki and for the first 30 they will get a gently used Chrome Book!
  4. Our school book fair starts this Thursday.  Every grade level will get a chance on their IRA day to go to the book fair.  Please make sure to give your child some money to buy a book or two.  All proceeds go back to our library to update their book collection. 
  5. This Friday, 9/16, the same day as FHS Homecoming, is our first Panda Express Fundraiser. If your family is hungry please take the flyer you will get this Wednesday to the Panda Express at Kam Shopping Center and get a good meal and help our PTA so they can help our school and Keiki.

To wrap up I would like to remind everyone that the office parking lot is NOT a student pickup/drop-off area before or after school.  We have had a number of students almost get hit by cars trying to come into that parking lot.  This is not safe and as such, we need everyone's cooperation.  We know it can be a challenge to park in the cafeteria parking lot and walk all the way in during the morning or afternoon, but the safety of everyone's children is more important than being able to be a few meters closer or saving a few moments. 

I hope all of you have had a wonderful weekend and we look forward to another great week here at Kalihi Waena because, We are the Lions. We are the Future!


Mr. Larkin



Daniel Larkin, US Navy (Retired)


Kalihi Waena Elementary

Home of the MIGHTY LIONS!

W: 808-832-3210

C: 808-366-0140

Primary email: [email protected]

Secondary email: [email protected]