Quarter 4 Update #3 on 4/12/22

Aloha Lions Ohana,

Good evening.  I just wanted to put out a quick reminder today. 

  1. Tomorrow is our awards assembly.  It will be virtual for parents.  You can join us at meet.google.com/qvf-gktn-uyv at 8:15-9:00 for Kindergarten to 2nd and from 3rd-5th at 9:00-9:45. 
  2. There is no school Friday. 
  3. Our next PTA meeting is next Tuesday at 4:00 in the office conference room. 

That's it for today! I hope to see you all soon.  Remember, We are the Lions. We are the Future!


Mr. Larkin



Daniel Larkin, US Navy (Retired)


Kalihi Waena Elementary

Home of the MIGHTY LIONS!

W: 808-832-3210

C: 808-366-0140

Primary email: [email protected]

Secondary email: [email protected]

School address: 1240 Gulick Ave. Honolulu, HI 96819