Kalihi Waena SY 2020 Q3 Update #3 (1/20/21)

Aloha Lions Ohana,

We have a number of announcements for you all today, so please bear with us. 

  • Security Concern: This morning at approximately 5:45 AM a suspicious man approached a staff member while they were in their car and attempted to enter the car.  Luckily, the staff member had kept their car locked and the man was unable to get in.  This highlights the need for students to be dropped off and picked up on time, no earlier than 7:15 AM and right after dismissal time.  
  • KWES needs help: We are looking for some help to keep an eye on our keiki in the morning and during lunch.  We are asking that anyone who is able to help watch our students from 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM and from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, please apply in the office as soon as possible.  We accept people of all ages over 18 and all skill levels.  No prior experience is needed.  This is a paid position at $10 per hour. 
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: School ends at 12:30 pm starting tomorrow for Parent-Teacher conferences. The 12:30 pm dismissal will be until Thursday, January 28th. Please communicate with your teacher to make sure you scheduled a meeting time with them. 
  • Grades 2/3 dismissal this week: 2nd and 3rd graders are to leave campus at their designated lunchtime for this week. Next week they remain on campus the whole school day.
  • Grades 4/5 return to campus: 4th, and 5th graders return to campus beginning on February 1st, for group A and February 2nd for group B. For the first week back, they will leave school at the time they are assigned lunch. For fourth grade, it is at 11:20 am. For fifth grade, it is at 11:30 am. They are to log back on after their lunch recess.

We all appreciate the support you give your keiki and the school as a whole.  Thank you all very much.  Keep strong Lions.  Remember, We are the Lions.  We are the Future!


Mr. Larkin



Daniel Larkin, US Navy (Retired)


Kalihi Waena Elementary

Home of the MIGHTY LIONS!

W: 808-832-3210

C: 808-366-0140

Primary email: [email protected]

Secondary email: [email protected]

School address: 1240 Gulick Ave. Honolulu, HI 96819