Kalihi Waena SY 2020 Q1 Update #7

Aloha Lions Ohana,

Today marks the last week of quarter 1 and, on Saturday, the beginning of Fall Break.  I have to tell you, we all need a bit of a break after how intense this quarter has been.  I have a few significant announcements to make today.  We will go from least important to most important, so make sure to read through the whole announcement.  

  1. #usewhatyouhavechallenge: video athttps://bit.ly/kwesq1comp  Parents and students are to use what they have in the house to make a meal together.  Please take a video or a photo of you making the meal and submit it to [email protected] by 4:00 PM tomorrow to be entered to win the grand prize.  If you are having a hard time sending the video to Ms. Bajarin you can upload the video to your child's Google drive and send her the link. 
  2. Supply Pickup: This Friday from 12:00- 2:15 PM we will hold a supply pick up in preparation for Q2.  All students/families are encouraged to come to campus to pick up supplies and future work from their teachers.  Teachers will be handing out their supplies by their classrooms except grades 3 and 5.  Grade 3 will be in front of building A and grade 5 will be in the cafeteria.
  3. Attendance Reminder: In order for their child to be counted as present, s/he needs to log on before 11:00 AM and be logged on for at least two hours.
  4. Parent-Teacher Communication Day: is still scheduled for October 21st.  It will be an early dismissal day at 12:30 PM that day. 
  5. Quarter 2 Announcement: After deep discussions and consideration CAS Rochelle Mahoe has put out her guidelines for quarter 2 and the basic process for bringing students back to school.  This process will not begin at all during October and, barring significant improvement in the Kalihi community with the rate of COVID-19, may not happen in November either.  The letter can be found at http://bit.ly/kwesq2plan and should be read by everyone.  Kalihi Waena will be working out our slow phase-in plan and will put the "how" but not the "when" out shortly after the break.  The entire Farrington complex will begin the phase-in of students together, but the starting date for that has not been determined yet and will rely on the Department of Health, CDC, and the ability of schools to safely bring the numbers of students back that we hope to, in order to determine when that may be.  

As always I will strive to keep you informed as soon as any decision is made so you can plan accordingly. I know how difficult it has been for everyone with all the changes. I assure you that we are here for you and your families and if we can help in any way, we will. 

Keep strong Lions.  Remember, We are the Lions.  We are the Future.


Mr. Larkin